Saturday, 24 June 2017

Influenza | Flu types | Flu symptoms | Flu treatment | Flu preventation

What is flu- We all are know more or less about Influenza disease or the word influenza,but we are less know about Flu disease, Influenza is shortly called flu.It is more infectious disease than others infectious disease,this disease are rapidly spreading by affecting patient sneezing through  air.this disease are pathogenic (virus) disease , 

flu virus 3d
                                                                           Figure-Flu virus(3d)

We all are know that when a people are fallen a disease than doctor to general people said him/her  you are attacked virus or bacteria or others pathogenic organisms ,but we are not understand what is virus or bacteria,if i simply call its this are so small organism that we cant see them with our eyes ,if we want to see them we need Electronic microscope or ultra electronic microscope.

                                     (Ultra microscopic figure of flu virus)

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