
  • How can a woman manage her puberty periods?

pre menstruation

When women puberty periods coming they feel very uncomfortable ,Puberty(female) usually starts between the age at  8 -14.but its vary different region ,depend on various environmental factors  such as weather,body fitness and hormone level,In summer region country like Bangladesh,India,Pakistan girls puberty coming very early stage and starting menstruation cycle.  
Puberty is an clumsy and bewilder or a disorder time for young women,whether you are a boy or a girl,you may be unsure about how to deal with this stage in your life,you will notice a lot of change in your body ,it is a natural process don't worry when you will feel this symptoms in your body, all symptoms are perfectly normal and it happen every one life.If you get some bio-physiological knowledge than you handle this puberty stage easily.
  There are some symptoms/changes  are coming at puberty stages,this are as follows-
  1. Increased your body odor.
  2. Some change your tune.
  3. Increasing breast cell division ,that why breast are increasing but its differ woman to woman.
  4. Acne grow(not for all woman)
  5. Emotion are increasing 

menstruation symptoms

  • Deal with your body odor-When you go through puberty ,you will probably notice that you start to sweat more and have more body odor.This is completely normal,but it does not mean that you need to be more conscientious about your personal hygiene,this time you need shower every day and also wear clean and fresh cloths.Applying deodorant every morning  will also help you smell fresh and clean.some deodorants contain antiperspirants which also prevent sweating.At this stage your hair may become more oily as well. 


                     Menstruation symptoms-self awareness 

Acne problem-During puberty stage your skin will start changing due to hormonal activity and this may cause you to get Acne.You may also notice that your skin may become dry or oily.To dealing this issue you may need to wash your face twice a day with gentle cleanser.Applying an over -the counter acne cream can help you to deal with relief and moisturizing can help you to deal with dry skin.  

acne problem
                                       Acne problem

Acne complication some time give much trouble and pain and its disturb the normal life,sometime its severe condition made the face ugly,its very discomfort ale for women.
We sometime advice the Doctor-if a patient coming such acne complication-than you can prescribe them a low dose birth controls pill  with few month(2/ 3),though it is controversial but i get some practical result of some this type of patient who'shave Acne complication. when i worked as a Hormone based company.

  •     How can you solve acne problem
  • Acne medication that contain benzyl peroxide,sulfur, or salisylic acid,as active ingredients tend to be very effective,Everyone's skin is different,So try a few different products until you you find one that work for you. 

If someone faces are oily and have acne problem you would try to use  an oily -free moisturizers on your face.Moisturizers that contain sunscreen will help protect your screen from sun damage.

  •  Never popping pimple and picking if you pipping pimple and picking at your skin can make your acne problem severe condition.

  •   Try to avoid touching you faces and to use unhygienic cloth.

    •  If you have serious acne problem that does not get better with over the counter treatments you would go to seeing a best Dermatologist. 

    •  Increasing Body Weight-Most people growth are more at his or her puberty period ,At this stage the male and female hormone level are increasing sharply and his or her biological metabolism are increasing  That why bone marrow are increasing and elongated more and overall body height are increasing.And this time you will probably some changes in your body.Some people gain weight before they begin growing and some start growing taller before they gain weight,but both are perfectly normal, don't worry about this.this may help you fell more confident.At this period you feel more enjoy anymore time in your life.You may see that every new cloth when you wear that fit you and you will more comfortable.Keep in mind that you are continuing growing and changing for a while.You may also feel that your feet are awkwardly large at this stage in your life.,because feet often grow before the rest of the body.
    menstruation period

                                                  Menstruation period-shyness

    •   How can you cope with emotion at this stage- At this stage your hormone level are increasing rapidly . All bio-physiological activity are increasing and you may fallen more emotional than anymore other stage in your life.puberty is caused by an influx of the hormone-estrogen,progesterone,and testosterone(male).these hormone affect not only the way your body looks,but also the way you feel.As a result you may be more angry or more emotional than you used to be.this time you would to recognize your emotional changes and avoid to lashing out at others.
    • Dealing with girl specific issues -At this stage some hair are growing  girls arms and legs and around their pubic areas.  if you want to shaving this ,then shave it no problem and do not need to worry this,you can to discuss this to your mom or your closest female person.

    •  At this stage you may feel various uncomfortable event, but you don't worry about this ,its a natural process and you comfortably cope with may feel sometime unusually tired,so let yourself get some rest,if you feel worsening than don't waste your time .Immediately appointment your Doctor.At this time you may feel some visceral pain at your belly,Puberty period are forecasting the coming of Menstruation .  Menstruation is the time of Month when the womb(Uterus)sheds its lining and vaginal bleeding occurs.This is known as a menstrual period.  Don't worry about this ,You would discuss your mom or any female person who you are most relation,and take care it as a normal way,At this time you will probably begin to feel sexual desire ,just because you feel desire not mean that you are emotionally ready for sex.It is always a good idea to talk to a trusted adult about how to know when you are ready for sex and about pr acting safe sex.if you do decide to have sex and also remember that you must know how to protect yourself from pregnancy and sexual transmitted disease ,the best way to protect yourself is by always using condom.But it would be best if you avoid your sexual desire at this time,In many religion it is most Taboo to do sex before there Marriage.

    • Menstruation are periods vary widely from woman to         woman.Some periods are regular ,some are unpredictable .on average a woman gets her period every 24 to 36 days.A periods usually lets about two to seven days(bleeding time).


    •  Cope with your Menstruation cycle- First few menstruation are not so regular ,its may drop one or two cycle , If Menstruation are continue every month and normal bleeding 3 to 5 days ,its called Regular Menstruation .

    • If menstruation are not regular that means every month menstruation are not happened and  months drop and not bleeding normal its called Irregular Menstruation.There are Several irregular menstruation are occur during this time,this are as follows-

    1. Amenorrhea -If menstruation cycle are absence one or two month or more month its called Amenorrhea stage,most of women is a common issues.

        2. Dismenorrhea-When menstruation time you feel more pain than its called Dismenorrhea.

        3.Polymenorrhea-when two or more menstruation or bleeding are happen its called Polymenorrhea.

        4. Metrozia/Menorozia -when menstruation time bleeding are not normal ,bleeding may come more than seven days than its called


    Do Irregular periods need treatment-     Treatment of Irregular periods depends on the cause and your desire to have children  in the future and normal body development.Irregular periods can be caused by many different things in your body level of the hormones estrogen and progesterone can disrupt the normal pattern of your period.Your menstrual cycle is not always like definite time while some women get this periods right on schedule every 30 days,others women have Irregular periods  during their childbearing years.A Irregular cycle is not usually a complex problem it can occasionally signal health complication.

    If someone have Irregular menstruation she cannot birth a child because when irregular menstruation occurs it disrupt the ovulation process in the ovaries usually due to severe hormonal imbalances and that why mature/fertile Eag are not produced .

    The following factors can trigger Irregular or missed periods,

    Extreme exercise or Dieting-Exercising too much can throw off the timing of menstrual bleeding and sometime stop it.

    Stress-Chronic or severs stress even a short time anxiety anxiety about a specific problem can wreak havoc with your hormone balance causing a missed period and irregular cycle.

     Pill -Births controls pills can make your period lighter or cause you to miss aperiods or have less or more frequent pereiods or even no period at all.

    Anemia- when someone has suffered Anemia (lack of standard quantity of blood in his/her body is called anemia)than her menstruation cycle are disrupt and irregular menstruation occurred.

    Polycyestic ovary syndrome(pcos)-The medical condition causes causes tiny cysts to form on ovaries interfering with regular ovulation,women with PCOS usually have a history of irregular menstruation.

    hormone effect on bone density

    Hormonal effect on bone density 

    Menopause is a natural biological process that occurs in every woman’s life. It marks the permanent end of monthly periods (menstruation) and fertility. This means she is no longer able to have children. During this transition period, a woman’s ovaries stop making eggs and her body produces less estrogen and progesterone. Menopause is confirmed when a woman has no period for 12 months in a row.
    According to the Asian menopausal society,The average onset of menopause in the UK is age 50.japan 55-60 ,but the normal range is between ages 44 and 56.Some women enter this stage of life before the age of 40.This is called Premature menopause.

    Main causes of premature menopause,.are as follows..

    • Autoimmune disorders
    • Smocking
    • Damage to the ovaries
    • Surgery(such as a hysterectomy)

    Although menopause is a completely natural stage of a woman’s life cycle and not a disease, a series of uncomfortable physical and emotional symptoms usually accompany it.  

    Various forms of treatment can typically lessen these symptoms.
    Stages of Menopause
    From the time a woman begins puberty until she enters menopause, she generally has a period around the same time every month. Of course, irregular periods happen from time to time. Pregnancy and other medical conditions interrupt your period.
    During the first half of a woman’s normal menstrual cycle, the ovaries, two glands located on either side of the uterus, produce higher levels of the hormone estrogen. This causes the lining of the uterus to thicken to prepare for possible pregnancy. An egg in one of the ovaries also starts to mature during this time.
    On day 14 of a woman’s menstrual cycle, the mature egg is released in a process known as ovulation. After the egg is released, the ovaries make more of the hormone progesterone. If the egg is not fertilized, the levels of estrogen and progesterone decrease, leading the body to shed the lining of the uterus. This causes a period.
    As a woman approaches menopause, her ovaries produce less estrogen, which can cause irregular periods. The term “menopause” is defined as a woman’s last menstrual cycle. After a woman’s final period, a year without further periods confirms the permanent cessation of fertility.
    Menopause is defined by three stages. These stages happen over a series of months or even years.
    Perimenopause begins several years before menopause, when a woman is still having periods. A woman’s hormone levels may rise and fall because the ovaries are gradually producing less estrogen. This change can cause hot flashes or other symptoms. Periods will become irregular and may be shorter, longer, lighter, or heavier. This stage can last four to five years or longer, until your period stops and menopause begins. Although it’s possible to get pregnant during this time, it’s unlikely.

    A woman enters menopause when it has been 12 months since her last period. At this point, her ovaries have stopped releasing eggs. Production of the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone significantly decreases. This stage indicates an end to fertility.
    Post menopause

    • The years following menopausal changes in a woman’s body are called post menopause. During this time, symptoms like night sweats and hot flashes ease for most women.

    menopause symptoms

                                                  Menopausal anxiety symptom woman


    •  Symptoms of menopausal woman

    1. Hot flashes 
    2. Concentration failure 
    3. Skin atrophy
    4. Forgetfulness
    5. Dry skin & Vaginal Mucous 
    6. Vascular change
    7. Sleepiness Disorder 
    8. Anxiety
    9. Depression 
    10. Loss of Libido(Unwilling to sex)
    11. Osteoporosis(deposition of Calcium)
    12. Thinning of hair and loss of Bone Density
    13. Headaches 
    14. Irregular Heartbeat
    15. Loss of tune 


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