Saturday 2 September 2017

What is high blood pressure | its sign & symptoms and medication/precaution

High blood pressure is also we called hypertension.We have some ideas about our blood circulation process.our heart work as a pump motor and artery and vain are woks as channel/pipe.when the heart are pumping than blood are rapidly flowing the artery than wall get some pressure ,this pressure is called Blood pressure and this pressure are essential for our blood circulation process but its(blood pressure )are require a proper range.Blood pressure are vital Biological system/process in our body.
When Blood pressure are over on our minimal range than its called High blood pressure ,Alternately when blood pressure less than proper range than its called Low Blood Pressure.

high blood pressure

High blood pressure are rarely noticeable,we cant easily realize that 

Thursday 17 August 2017

What is breast cancer | Its signs and symptoms

When a cancer cell is developed in Breast tissue than its call breast cancer.Not only single reason for breast cancer and   Scientist and Reach er  are not identified  main and only factor that are involved for breast cancer .Many risk factor are involving to occur for breast cancer.

Breast cancer

There are many types of breast cancer that differ in their capability of spreading to other body tissue .
Breast cancer are most commonly develops in the cells deform the lining of milk.Ducts and lobes that supply the ducts with milk.Cancer developing from the ducts are known as ducal carcinoma .Wile carcinoma are developing from lobule are known as lobular carcinoma.

\breast cancer stage

Mainly two type of  breast cancer ,and have 18 more sup type breast cancer .It is very difficult to identified Breast cancer at preliminary stage ,Women cant identified or to see the sign of breast cancer .sometimes breast cancer does not shows symptoms.Most  women are not aware about breast
cancer and are not keen knowledge how to to identified this.At preliminary stage sign or symptoms are so small and invisible that its very difficult to identified  any women.If breast cancer could identified at preliminary stage than it will be helpful to reduce or remove or destroy cancer cell.

 Breast cancer sign and symptoms
  1. Breast shape slightly change and nipple slightly changed
  2. implying  of the skin or red scaly patch of skin
  3. Fluid is coming from the nipple ,Sometime bloody,inverted nipple 
  4. Yellow skin or orange-peel texture or dimpling other breast outer surface.
  5. Shortness of breath

Sunday 13 August 2017

Pregnant |pregnancy period |pregnancy sign

Pregnancy is the time/period during one or more offspring develops inside a women.
pregnancy can occur by sexual intercourse or other assisted reproductive biotechnology,generally 99.99% of pregnancy is happened by human intercourse.


When female menstruation cycle start.its seems to her that her body are ready to generate
egg (i,e she is able to do sex)this time many bio physiological change are coming on a
women body.when a man intercourse with a young women whos puberty stage were came
and menstruation cycle are running and if her eggs are fertile and this fertile eggs are  waiting  for sperm.and sit on the top cysterian  wall of ovary and male sperm are coming through the Fallopian
tube after that sperm fertilized the egg, its called zygote.this zygote (offspring)are rapidly developing inside a woman.Childbirth typically occurs around 40 weeks from the last menstrual period that the conceive month.This is just need nine lunar months to develop a spring fully developed .

Pregnancy symptoms are as follows
  • Food aversion 
  • Mood swings
  • Abnormal bloating
  • Fatigue 
  • Light bleesding or spotting
  • Nausea and Vomiting 
  • Missed period
  • High basal body temperature
  • Sore breast
  • Regurgitation,heartburn 
  • Increased urinary frequency 
  • Breast tenderness is common symptom a pregnant women
  • Swollen veins at inside anal area
  • pregnancy related stretchmarks
  • Tiredness 
  • Constipation
  • Pelvic girdle pain

Saturday 24 June 2017

Influenza | Flu types | Flu symptoms | Flu treatment | Flu preventation

What is flu- We all are know more or less about Influenza disease or the word influenza,but we are less know about Flu disease, Influenza is shortly called flu.It is more infectious disease than others infectious disease,this disease are rapidly spreading by affecting patient sneezing through  air.this disease are pathogenic (virus) disease , 

flu virus 3d
                                                                           Figure-Flu virus(3d)

We all are know that when a people are fallen a disease than doctor to general people said him/her  you are attacked virus or bacteria or others pathogenic organisms ,but we are not understand what is virus or bacteria,if i simply call its this are so small organism that we cant see them with our eyes ,if we want to see them we need Electronic microscope or ultra electronic microscope.

                                     (Ultra microscopic figure of flu virus)

Sunday 11 June 2017


Diabetes is a non-pathogenic disease in which your blood glucose or blood sugar are too high .

There are two (mainly) type of diabetes-

                             Type 1 diabetes functional diagram.

1. Type-1:   The body does not produce insulin,Some people may refer to this type as insulin dependent diabetes,this type of diabetes are seen before age 40s,so some people calls it juvenile diabetes. This type of diabetes patients to need  insulin injection for the rest of there life,They all time  need to monitor there blood glucose level by carving out regular blood tests.        

2. Type 2 diabetes :The most common type of Diabetes are type 2 diabetes, Approximately 90% of all causes of diabetes worldwide are type 2 diabetes,this type of diabetes patient does not make or produce sufficient insulin for there body cell requirements.

     Diabetes symptoms:Diabetes type 1 and type 2 diabetes symptoms are more or less same.

1.Urinating more frequently than usual
2.Feeling thirsty
3.Feeling very tried
4.Rapidly weight loss
5.Itching problem6.Injured part(cuts muscle) wounds heal slowly
7.Blurred vision
8.Loss of libido
9.Decrease fertility
10.Loss of body strength

Tuesday 25 October 2016

What is hormone?

  • Hormone- Hormones are chemical ingredient that are  secreted Directly from blood.which carries act as a messenger.


Male all physio biological activity are control testosterone hormone .its also called male master hormone.
When a male reach at puberty period than the master hormone are rapidly increasing ,we saw it (16-22)years in tropical country like Bangladesh.
When a male age are increasing simultaneously the master hormone testosterone are also increasing .when a male age reached(25-30)years simultaneously testosterone reached at the pick position. That-why this   time male all biological activity like-concentration and memory level are best performance,and libido(willing to sex) reached at high point.when a men(male) reached 35 years than the testosterone level are slowly decreasing  and simultaneously male biological activity(concentration failure,forgot fullness, loss of libido)are slowly losing. 

(Graph show testosterone are decreasing after 20 years of age and increasing age)   

When male master hormone testosterone are declined  

Symptoms of Andropause -

1.Concentration failure
2. Forgot fullness.
3. sleeplessness disorder(Insomnia)
4.Loss of Libido(unwilling to sex).
5.Skin atrophy.
6.Osteoporosis(erosion of calcium).
7. Erection problem.
8. Hot flashes.
9.loss of sperm fertility.(unable to produce new born)